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So, you want to learn Aussie slang? Good on ya! Australians have a way of making words shorter, faster, and sometimes completely unrecognizable. But don’t worry—once you get the hang of it, you’ll be slinging slang like a pro.
From the moment you set foot in Australia, you’ll hear locals throwing around words that sound completely foreign, even though they’re speaking English. Instead of “afternoon,” they’ll say “arvo.” Instead of “McDonald’s,” it’s “Macca’s.” And if someone calls you “mate,” congratulations—you’re already in their good books!
Learning some Aussie slang will make your trip way more fun. It’ll help you blend in, avoid a few awkward misunderstandings, and maybe even impress the locals. The best part? It’s actually easy to pick up. Unlike German or Swedish, where the words barely resemble English, Aussie slang is just English with a twist.
So, grab a coldie, kick back, and dive into this list of must-know Aussie slang. Before you know it, you’ll sound like a true blue Aussie. Let’s get started!
Crikey! | Holy Sh*t! |
Bikki, Brekki, Barbie | Biscuit, Breakfast, Barbecue |
Stubby Holder | Drink sleeve |
Fair Dinkum | True/Real/Genuine |
Bloke, Sheila | Man, Women |
She'll Be Right | Everything's Going To Be ok |
Mate's Rate | A Friend's Discount |
Thongs | Sandals |
Gone Walkabout | A Foot Journey |
Bonzer | Awesome |
Go Troppo | Go Crazy |
Mate | Friend |
Ambulance | Ambo |
What's the John Dory | What's Going On? |
Do The Harry | Getting the Hell Out |
Defo | Definitely |
Smoko | Smoke Break |
Bottleo | Liquor Store |
Arvo | Afternoon |
Bogan | Redneck |
Root | Sex |
G'Day | Hello |
Knackered | Tired |
Macca's | Mcdonalds |
Have a crack | Try to Attempt Something |
Sanger | Sandwich |
A Stubbie Short of a Six pack | Someone Who is a Bit Crazy |
She’ll be Apples | Everything Will be Alright |
Sparrow’s Fart | Very Early in the Morning |
Heaps | Loads/Lots |
Stubby | Small Beer Bottle |
Tucker | Food |
Goon | Cheap Wine |
Galah | Fool/Silly Person |
Dunny | Toilet |
Dag | Funny Person |
Bottle Shop | Liquor Store |
Beauty | Great/Fantastic |
Accadacca | ACDC |
A Cold One | Beer |
Avo | Avocado |
Billabong | A pond in a dry riverbed |
Billy | Teapot |
Brolly | Umbrella |
Budgie Smugglers | Speedo |
Choc A Bloc | Full |
Chook | Chicken |
Footy | Football |
Flat out | Really busy |
Hard yakka | Hard work |
Iffy | bit risky |
Knickers | female underwear |
Lappy | Laptop |
Mozzies | Mosquitos |
No Worries | No problem |
Nuddy | Naked |
Outback | Country side |
Piece of Piss | Easy |
Piss Up | A Party/Get Together |
Rapt | Very happy |
Ta | Thank you |
Rellie | Relatives |
Servo | Garage/Service Station |
Car Park | Parking Lot |
Stiffy | Erection |
Straya | Australia |
Hungry Jacks | Burger King |
Sunnies | Sunglasses |
Swag | Sleeping Bag |
Tea | Dinner |
True Blue | Genuinely Australian |
Woop Woop | Middle of Nowhere |
Pregant | Preggas |
Bowling Club | Bowlo |
Garbage Man | Garbo |
Postman | Postie |
Registration | Rego |
Tracksuit Pants | Trackie Dacks |
Monday | Mondy |
Tuesday | Choosdee |
Wednesday | Wesndee |
Thursday | Thursdee |
Friday | Fri-Dee |
Saturday | Sat-Dee |
Sunday | Sundee |
Birthday | Birthdee |
Musician | Muso |
U-Turn | Uey |
Facey | |
Vegetarian | Veggo |
Cab Driver | Cabbie |
Lipstick | Lippy |
Present | Prezzie |
Christmas | Chrissy |
Cup of Tea | Cuppa |
Underpants | Undies |
Beverage | Bevy |
Chewing Gum | Chewy |
Husband | Hubby |
Cigarette | Ciggy |
Fireman | Firey |
Cop/Police | Coppa |
Kangaroo` | Roo |
Champagne | Champers |
Expensive | Exxy |
Brisbane | Brizzy |
Cabernet Sauvignon | Cab Sav |
Kindergarden | Kindy |
Conversation | Convos |
Grog | Alcohol |
Devo | Devastated |
Deadset | True |
Crack the Shits | Getting angry at someone or something |
Cobber | Very Good Friend |
Choccy Biccy | Chocolate Biscuit |
Bathers | Swimsuit |
Bail | To Cancel Plans |
Ankle Biter | Child |
Bloody | Very |
Here’s the deal—you will 100% find yourself in a situation where locals are chatting away in Aussie slang, and you’ll be standing there thinking, WTF did they just say? But no worries, I got you!
Some of these phrases might sound a little strange at first, but trust me, the more you hear them, the easier they’ll be to pick up. Aussies have a way of making everything sound more casual, laid-back, and, well… different. But once you start using these phrases yourself, you’ll blend right in.
Let me give you an example. One night at a hostel, someone asked me, “Are you coming to the piss-up later, mate?” At first, I had no idea what they were on about. But after a moment, I realized—ahh, they’re inviting me to a big party! If you’re backpacking through Australia, this is a key phrase to remember. Aussies love a good party, and trust me, you’ll be getting plenty of invites.
Here’s another one you’ll hear all the time: “My mate came home from the pub pissed as a fart.” No, it’s not about actual farting—it just means someone is completely drunk. If someone tells you they were “on the piss last night,” it means they were out drinking.
Still confused? Try this one: “What’s the John Dory?” This is Aussie slang for “What’s going on?”—a phrase you’ll often hear in the outback. It’s kind of funny, but super useful when you’re trying to figure out what’s happening around you.
And if someone says they’re “Flat out like a lizard drinking,” don’t go looking for a dehydrated reptile—it just means they’re really busy! This one is classic Aussie humor—why compare being busy to a lizard drinking? Who knows, but it works!
At first, all of this might sound completely foreign, but once you start hearing these phrases in real conversations, it’ll click. Before you know it, you’ll be slipping Aussie slang into your own sentences without even realizing it. So, get ready—because once you start speaking like a true blue Aussie, there’s no going back!
Now that you’re feeling confident with Aussie slang, put your skills to the test with this fun quiz.
Drop your results in the comments below!
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If you’re planning a trip to Australia, make sure to brush up on this weird language, it will come in handy…trust me!
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